Short Sales In Maryland With UR Problem Housing Solutions Now

The Benefit Of Short Sales In Maryland

If you have been struggling with mortgage payments, have had difficulties selling your home, or are dealing with negative equity, please know that you are not alone. Instead of giving up, consider exploring the option of short sales in Maryland.

A short sale can provide you with an opportunity to protect your credit and relieve yourself of the burdensome debt you have been carrying.

If you are interested in pursuing a short sale to sell your property, UR Problem Housing Solutions Now is here to help. We will negotiate with the bank on your behalf and may even present an offer to purchase your property, saving you valuable time.

Effects And Their Results With A Short Sale And A Foreclosure

Effect: Ability to purchase another home

Short Sale: From 2008 of May, upon the success of your home’s short sale, your eligibility for getting a mortgage backed by Fannie Mae will increase after just two years.

Foreclosure: From 2008 of May, if your property undergoes a foreclosure, you will not be entitled to a mortgage backed by Fannie Mae for four years.

Effect: Ability to purchase a second home or investment properties

Short Sale: You will have to wait two years before being eligible for a mortgage backed by Fannie Mae.

Foreclosure: This will be the same as the foreclosure for the above. However, you will not be considered for an investment mortgage by Fanny May for the next seven years.

Effect: Obtain conventional Financing

Short Sale: While this is a new territory and there is no definite answer for this by most of the major lenders, most people have a feeling that the effect will not be as bad as that in a foreclosure.

Foreclosure: In case you even get approved for a conventional loan, chances are that you will have to pay an interest rate that is much higher.

Effect: On the credit score

Short Sale: In this, the credit report will only be showing late mortgage payments and your credit score has a chance of going down by only 50 points.

Foreclosure: In this case, your credit score can go down by as much as 225 to 350 points. This will remain for the next 10 years.

Effect: On credit history

Short Sale: This will not have any substantial effect and nor will it appear on your history.

Foreclosure: This will be on your report for the next 10 years along with being on public records.

Effect: My need for my job’s security clearance

Short Sale: With this, there should be no effect on a new security clearance application.

Foreclosure: A foreclosure intensely affects a security clearance.

Effect: My current employment

Short Sale: This will not be reported on the credit report and thus should not have any effect on the employment.

Foreclosure: A foreclosure can have a major impact on your position within a company.

Effect: On future employment

Short Sale: Most of the employers will be checking the credit report before they hire you. However, a short sale will not be reported and hence you will not have any issues.

Foreclosure: A credit check might be required by most of the employers for the initial screening process. A foreclosure can thus be detrimental.

Effect: On deficiency judgment

Short Sale: Most of the short sale negotiators aim that the debt be fully paid.

Foreclosure: Most of the banks in the country will seek a complete deficiency judgment against any foreclosed borrower.

Effect: On any deficiency judgment amount

Short Sale: It is most likely that the deficiency judgment will be lower than the foreclosure, even if short sale is at lower wholesale price.

Foreclosure: You might end up owing more if a foreclosed home does not end up selling at auction.

You can get in touch with us at UR Problem Housing Solutions Now in case you want to benefit from pleasant, efficient, and quick short sales in Maryland.

UR Problem Housing Solutions Now


9722 Groffs Mill
Owings Mills, MD

Phone: (410) 409-8152

We are a real estate solutions and investment firm that specializes in helping homeowners get rid of burdensome houses fast.

© 2023 UR Problem Housing Solutions Now

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